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"The resistance and the right of peoples to determine their own destiny"

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"The resistance and the right of peoples to determine their own destiny"

In the face of the brutal aggression carried out by the Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip, and Israel's commission of the worst war crimes in history since the Zionist movement began on Arab Palestinian land, violating all international laws and norms, the occupation and its allies seek to delegitimize Palestinian resistance, which defends its rights.

The principle of self-determination is widely regarded as a cornerstone of international law, given its universality and protection for all peoples. The right to self-defense is recognized by the UN Charter, and resistance to oppression is recognized as a fundamental human right in Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

International resolutions number 1514, 2625, and 2649, which were all adopted in 1970, all uphold the right of peoples to self-determination and denounce the denial of that right, particularly with regard to the Palestinian people. By all means at their disposal, the General Assembly confirmed the validity of peoples' struggles. In a resolution adopted on December 4, 1986, the United Nations General Assembly reaffirmed the legitimacy of Palestinian armed resistance. The resolution declared that peoples' struggles for independence and freedom from foreign occupation, apartheid, and colonialism are legitimate and should be pursued through all channels, including armed conflict.

Regarding UN Resolution 3236, which was adopted on November 22, 1974, it declared that the organization acknowledges the Palestinian people's right to return to their rights using whatever means necessary in conformity with the goals and tenets of the UN Charter. It made a request to all nations and international organizations to assist the Palestinian people in their fight to be granted their rights under the Charter once again. It also upheld the validity of using force to fend off the occupier in accordance with the Third Geneva Convention and the Hague Convention on the protection of prisoners of war. In fact, under some circumstances, members of organized resistance forces working both inside and outside of their own territory—even if it is under occupation—are granted "Prisoner of War" status under the Geneva Convention. Having a responsible leader, carrying weapons in public, donning a recognizable insignia, and fighting according to the rules of war are some of these requirements. For the Palestinian resistance, each of these requirements holds true.

All international treaties and accords protect the right to self-determination, and Palestinian resistance derives its legal validity from these agreements. The language of power, armed struggle, and popular resistance, guaranteed by international treaties for Palestinians, are the only ways to combat Israel's barbarism in killing and driving out Palestinians from their land.