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Instead of calling it terroristic, the resistance in Palestine is public resistance.

In situations of occupation, every people has the right to defend their country and territory, as the Palestinian people do. Territories are not the same as homeland defense.

What is expected of the Palestinian people in the eyes of the world after almost 75years of Zionist?

The colonization of Palestine, which resulted in the bloodiest massacres on Palestinian soil and the harshest forms of injustice and oppression against its original inhabitants, has caused the Palestinian people to suffer for decades. October 7, 2023, was not the start of the war; rather, it started when Zionist gangs chose to seize Arab Palestinian land and create a fictitious state they dubbed "Israel".

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"The resistance and the right of peoples to determine their own destiny"

"In the face of the brutal aggression carried out by the Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip, and Israel's commission of the worst war crimes in history since the Zionist movement began on Arab Palestinian land, violating all international laws and norms, the occupation and its allies seek to delegitimize Palestinian resistance, which defends its rights."

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"Resistance, not terrorism"

By completely recognizing their right to independence and self-determination, peoples' rights are recognized by international law, which also supports their resistance against colonialism. It permits occupied peoples to fully use their right to defend their independence and freedom from occupation troops by employing both nonviolent and aggressive tactics. Simultaneously, it makes a distinction between violence that is justifiable and that which is not by seeing all acts of resistance against occupation as acceptable as long as they are a reaction to the aggressiveness of the occupation.

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The ominous Balfour Declaration of 1917

More than 106 years have passed since the infamous Balfour Declaration, a promise made by someone who does not deserve it to someone who does not own it. In that letter, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote to Lord Rothschild, the head of the British Zionist movement, during World War I, saying...

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Gaza from 2005 to 2024

After eight days, on August 15, 2005, the Israelis withdrew from the Gaza Strip and the settlers were evacuated; this event is seen as a historic triumph for the Palestinian people and the Gaza resistance. However, what took place after 2005?

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Israel kills, but it does not defend itself

In the extermination war it is conducting on Gaza, Israel is allegedly defending itself, according to some Zionist, American, and European pronouncements. Going back to international law, however, and depending on it, Israel does not have the right to self-defense, and anyone arguing that Israel is defending itself is not making an argument based on the law but rather on political prejudice against Israel.

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The difference between prisoners held by the Palestinian resistance and prisoners held by the Israel

In an effort to deprive Palestinians of their land, the West and Israel's allies try to characterize Israeli captives as "hostages" in order to paint Palestinian resistance as a criminal organization fighting against a "legitimate" military. But now the world can see who the true terrorists are and who is the legitimate owner of the land and its rights thanks to this glaring disparity in treatment.

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Resistance in Palestine and in other countries

Much blood and many lives have been sacrificed for freedom, dignity, homeland liberation, and human rights in Vietnam, Algeria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other places.

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Why Do We Resist?

In the fight for freedom, resistance is both a necessary and self-affirming tactic. The Palestinian people can only free themselves from colonialism through resistance ..

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The Palestinian Will Resist Until Liberation

In response to having 27,000 square kilometers taken from him, the Palestinian resists. With the assurance that the land their blood feeds won't be in vain, he opposes in support of the victims' ongoing sacrifice of their lives for this noble cause. He resists on behalf of the thousands of people who are dying in jails, the hundreds of terrified children, the mother who sacrificed her children by having them buried there, the millions of Palestinians who have been uprooted from their country, the church that has collapsed, and the mosque where they are not allowed to pray.

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Resistance is our choice

Palestinians in general and Gaza civilians in particular have seen some of the worst acts of genocide in history since October 7. Hospitals, medical facilities, schools, and food supplies have all been damaged by the occupation, which has resulted in approximately 48,000 fatalities and over 92,000 injuries. The occupation has failed in its attempts to drive the people of Gaza away, despite the horrible crimes it has committed and the amounts of munitions it has showered on them. Even after 11 months of aggression, the majority of Palestinians continue to support the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation, demonstrating that the occupation has not been able to eradicate public support for the resistance. There is a great unanimity among Palestinians about the resistance option.

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