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The Nakba

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The Palestinian Nakba, which translates to "catastrophe" in Arabic, was given its name because of the scope of the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians by Zionist gangs from their homes, lands, and villages. One million Palestinians were uprooted from their land, their villages demolished, and they suffered through some of the bloodiest mass murders in recorded history.

The Nakba was the biggest ethnic, geographical, and political purging operation of the 20th century. With the use of weapons and threats, Zionist gangs drove out some 957,000 Palestinians from their towns and cities, forcing them to relocate to the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and other Arab nations. About 1.4 million Palestinians were in Palestine in 1948 when they were forcibly removed, and new settlers were brought in to take their place. Approximately seventy massacres carried out by Zionist gangs against the Palestinian people are all considered to be acts of genocide and war crimes. During the Nakba, these gangs took over 774 Palestinian villages and communities, accounting for almost 85% of Palestine's land. Of them, 531 had their cultural and historical landmarks totally destroyed. Israeli occupation and legislation applied to the remaining areas.

The agony of Palestinian refugees, who were forcibly uprooted from their homes in the most horrifying circumstances, is intimately related to the sorrow of the Nakba. Recorded by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), there are now 58 recognized camps for Palestinian refugees, which are spread across the following locations: 10 in Jordan, 9 in Syria, 12 in Lebanon, 19 in the West Bank, and 8 in the Gaza Strip.

1948 did not mark the end of the Nakba; rather, it has persisted unabatedly to this day. The Israeli occupation is becoming more violent, as evidenced by the horrific battles it is waging on the Gaza Strip. The occupation's true objective is to drive out the Palestinian people and put an end to any resistance that stands up to their cruelty and protects their land and rights.