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Deir Yassin massacre 1948

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Deir Yassin massacre 1948

According to a reporter's account, "It is something even beasts recoil from committing; the killers brought a Palestinian girl and raped her in front of her family, then they began torturing her and threw her into the fire, mutilated the bodies of the martyrs, amputated their limbs, and ripped open the bellies of pregnant women."

On April 9, 1948, at dawn, the Irgun and Stern gangs launched their slaughter of the residents of Deir Yassin in order to seize control of the settlement. The Palmach gang sent reinforcements after the villagers refused to submit. They opened the way for the village's assault by mortar-bombing the village of Deir Yassin.

Because of its tremendous slaughter, the massacre in Deir Yassin is regarded as one of the bloodiest that took place during the year of the Nakba. The Zionists murdered the village's occupants in cold blood, destroying the homes over their heads and murdering women, children, and the elderly. They sexually assaulted young girls in front of their relatives, disfigured and even burned the bodies of the martyrs. The massacre claimed the lives of around 250 martyrs, most of whom were women and children who were tortured and victims of the most horrific crimes.

The town of Deir Yassin is regarded as one of the first Palestinian cities to be taken over by Israel, and it also represents one of the worst examples of forced relocation and genocide that Israel has ever carried out, using the most heinous and terroristic tactics.