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Israel is an occupying state, not an independent one

No one can forget that Israel is a state built on the ruins of Palestinian homes due to occupation

It Starts from the 19th Century

What started in the 19th century, leading to one of the biggest conflicts the world has ever seen?

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Israel from the Balfour Declaration to the Nakba

The primary cause of the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) was the planned Jewish migration to the country of Palestine. Driven by Zionist ideology, which declared the captured country to be their sole sacred land and insisted on driving out the native Arab occupants, they came from all over the world.

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2024: There's no Safe Place to Go!

When they hear the sounds of the planes approaching, brains freeze except for one thoughts. Could we be the very next victims? Sometimes, schools and worship places serve as a refuge, when the army that is bombarding still clings to a tiny hint of humanity. But where do children, women, and elders go when the attacker bombards schools, hospitals, houses of worship, and relief organizations?

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Gaza doesn't seek your sympathy...

Only 5% of protests globally favor Israel, while 95% support the Palestinians, according to the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies. But these figures are insufficient to enable the Palestinians to stop the Israeli army's savage attacks, nor do they stop the ongoing conflict and the unrelenting bloodshed caused by the Israeli machinery that has killed countless innocent people over the years...

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Tantura Massacre (1948)

One of the most horrible crimes carried out by the Zionist occupation was the Tantura Massacre, which carried out the primary Zionist objective of ethnically cleansing the area, occupying it completely, and uprooting its native population.

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Deir Yassin massacre 1948

"It is something even beasts recoil from committing; the killers brought a Palestinian girl and raped her in front of her family, then they began torturing her and threw her into the fire, mutilated the bodies of the martyrs, amputated their limbs, and ripped open the bellies of pregnant women."

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The massacre of Sabra and Shatila 1982

An open wound in Palestinians' memories One of the deadliest crimes against Palestinians carried out by the occupying forces is the massacre at Sabra and Shatila, which is considered to be one of the worst mass murders in human history. It was carried out on solitary Palestinian refugees at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp by the Israeli army, the South Lebanese Army, and Lebanese troops. Human rights organizations have designated the September 16–18, 1982, massacre as both a war crime and a crime against humanity.

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The Nakba

The Palestinian Nakba, which translates to "catastrophe" in Arabic, was given its name because of the scope of the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians by Zionist gangs from their homes, lands, and villages. One million Palestinians were uprooted from their land, their villages demolished, and they suffered through some of the bloodiest mass murders in recorded history.

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Does Israel replicate what it experienced in the Holocaust in Palestine?

The Israeli occupation of Palestine has been carrying out the most horrific crimes against humanity for more than 75 years, despite the persecution that Jews endured during the Nazi era in Germany. This includes heinous crimes of genocide, the plunder of Palestinian lands, the forced relocation of its people, and the use of various ways to murder women and children. Nazism in Zionism and Germany are identical in that they have both carried out horrific crimes against defenseless citizens, women, and children.

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"Bone-Breaking Intifada"

All of these terms refer to the same long-lasting Palestinian revolt that used stones as a weapon against the Israeli occupation army's tanks and equipment: "The First Intifada," "The Stone Intifada," "The Intifada of Breaking Bones," or "The 1987 Intifada."

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The British Mandate and the Inception of the Concept of Land Occupation and Jewish Settlement

Since the late 19th century, British support has played a key role in the foundation of Israel. Their goal of creating a national homeland for the Jews in the land of Palestine would never have been accomplished without this assistance and the crucial role that Britain played in the Zionist movement.

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"The collaboration of Western media to condemn the victim"

The American media in particular has adopted a strategy known as "context-stripping," which involves separating the historical background of the Palestinian conflict from Palestinian resistance actions and presenting them as spontaneous acts of terrorism. They portray these attacks as having nothing to do with the 16-year illegal blockade of Gaza, the five wars that have destroyed Gaza and claimed thousands of lives, the colonization of Arab Palestinian land, the creation of Israel, the Nakba of the Palestinian people, or their forced relocation.

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"Tightening the accounts of activists and journalists on social media platforms"

Unprecedented limitations have been placed on a number of social media personalities who have backed the Palestinian cause and openly sided with Israel against the Palestinians. Posts that expose the truth about Zionist atrocities and facts are removed by these platforms. The issue has gotten so bad that some are deleting or disabling their personal pages and limiting access. These platforms' algorithms are always at work stifling Palestinian content.

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Death by starvation in Gaza

The policy of famine, employed by the occupation, aims to forcefully uproot inhabitants from Gaza. Those who choose not to migrate, from northern Gaza or elsewhere, face certain death at any time and by any means, including starvation.

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How was the Nakba anniversary observed in Gaza?

Every year on May 15th, Palestinians remember the Nakba—the ongoing suffering that the people of Palestine endured in public view across time and geography. As the Palestinian people are living through a Nakba that started with the British-Zionist colonization, the adage "Gazans are living a second Nakba" has become far from accurate. The Nakba has persisted ever since and has not halted.

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