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"Safe Passage Lie"

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"Safe Passage Lie"

The safe passage is an Israeli occupation strategy meant to eliminate Palestinian presence and split Palestinian territories for control and population relocation, not a humanitarian effort for the benefit of Palestinians. Its term is merely a fabrication to mislead the people living in the northern Gaza Strip; it has nothing to do with security.

asking that humanitarian help enter the Gaza Strip is not the same as asking that civilians leave. These two paths—one enabling humanitarian aid to enter for resilience and the other aiming for the evacuation and emptying of the Gaza Strip—are very different from one another. Israel uses the phrase "safe passage" to mean that it wants to vacate the Strip.

Was it truly safe?

Evacuees were arrested by the Israeli occupation through what is known as the "safe passage." Based on one prisoner's testimony, Israeli forces also engaged in vindictive behavior in the Negev prison, which housed detainees from the Gaza Strip, attacking inmates with vicious dogs and torturing the elderly with electric batons.

As evacuees made their way toward the southern Gaza Strip, footage and videos showed the Israeli occupation fire at them. "I felt like something was going to happen to me, and when I saw the soldiers behind the sand barriers aiming their weapons at us, I fell beside the martyrs' remains, and the smell of corpses was overwhelming," a Palestinian girl says, recalling her experience crossing the safe route. I witnessed a man with his head cut off from his body inside a car. I saw a nightmare unfold before my very eyes every day, and I'm amazed I lived. This is a journey of death, not one that is safe."