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Children's Dreams in Gaza

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Children's Dreams in Gaza

I want to go back home, live a regular life, and do all the things that kids do all over the world—eat, play, learn, and attend school. After a long day, my dream is returning home to sleep in my mother's arms. But my mother has left, along with my home.

Like every child in the world, that one aspired to be a pilot, another to be an engineer, his cousin to be a doctor, and still another to be a journalist. However, the criminal occupation made the decision to rob them of their goals, to rob them of their childhood, and to reduce children's highest aspirations to plain survival—bread or a blanket to keep them warm during the bitter winter. Their aspirations were restricted to acquiring the bare needs.

The deployment of internationally prohibited Zionist occupation rockets and the unexpected shelling of civilian homes in Gaza Strip resulted in the amputation of hundreds of youngsters, destroying their lives. The hospitals in the area were in such terrible shape that children could not receive medical care or have surgery. When they did, it was frequently without anaesthesia, which severely exhausted the kids.

Children suffered from sleepless nights as a result of the frequent missile strikes; the majority of them lost some family members. Numerous kids lost every member of their family. Now, children in northern Gaza are starving to death in front of a world that has chosen to ignore Israel's willful destruction of every Palestinian in Gaza. The age-old query still stands: What is these kids' fault?