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"Arresting Palestinian Prisoners Without Charges"

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"Arresting Palestinian Prisoners Without Charges"

In Israeli jails, 25% of Palestinian inmates are kept in administrative detention without being charged or given a chance to defend themselves.

So what is administrative detention?

The choice to imprison someone under Israeli military authority on the grounds of a security threat without formally charging them is known as administrative detention. It is a policy utilized by Israeli security agencies as a type of punishment that has a maximum six-month renewable term. To give it a legal appearance, it is covered by official legal processes such judicial review, appeals, or the Supreme Court. Administrative detainees claim that they are not allowed to know why they are being held from the time of their arrest until their release because there is a secret file with evidence that is only available to them and their attorneys. In Israeli prisons, hundreds of elderly people and children are being held in administrative detention without being given the opportunity to stand trial.

The manner in which administrative detention is practiced starkly contradicts the strict limits imposed by international law on such detentions. Administrative arrests are carried out by Israeli forces under a thick veil of secrecy, denying detainees the opportunity to defend themselves. For years, Israel has been holding thousands of Palestinians under administrative detention without bringing them to trial, without disclosing the charges against them, and without allowing them or their lawyers to examine the evidence.