"Unity of the Two Banks"
The Jordanian National Assembly, which represents both banks, decided on 7 Rajab 1369 AH (corresponding to April 24, 1950) to support the complete unity between the eastern and western banks of Jordan, uniting them into one state, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, based on the right to self-determination, the reality of the eastern and western banks of Jordan and their national, natural, and geographical unity, as well as their common interests and vital areas. It guaranteed the realization of national aspirations, Arab collaboration, and international justice by affirming the preservation of all Arab rights in Palestine and the defense of those rights by all lawful means.
The Jericho Conference brought the two banks together, and they were proclaimed as one nation. After becoming Jordanian citizens, the West Bank residents were assimilated into the government's institutions. Palestinian citizens living in the West Bank were awarded Jordanian citizenship. The Balfour Declaration included Jordan and Palestine, and King Abdullah was able to protect East Jordan from Zionist aspirations. Additionally, he was able to keep a large portion of Palestine in Arab control, particularly the holy places. Thus, combining the remaining Palestinian territory with Jordan was the best way to ensure the preservation of Palestinian territories.